The College crest is a simple one with the open book (the bible) and the crossed swords being symbols of St Paul, after whom the school is named. In his letter to the Phillipians (1:21) St Paul makes the statement that:

To Live is Christ

and this is the translation of the College motto:

Vivere Christus Est

During his time on earth Jesus often spoke about life and the way he hoped to bring it to fulfilment. In St John's Gospel He says, ‘I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness’ (Jn.10:10). This fullness involves the raising of the human person above purely basic and material concerns into the spiritual dimension. In practical terms this means that in our College we must try to make Christ the centre of all we do, since it is in Him that we obtain the fullness of life.

‘To Live Is Christ’