
School hours are 8.45am to 3.05pm.

Students should always be present at school by the beginning of Period 1. If arriving late, ie after the beginning of period 1, students should report to Student Reception to sign.

Teacher supervision commences in the playground at 8.30am, there is no supervision provided before this time, students should not arrive prior to 8.30am. In the afternoon, students are supervised at the bus boarding area until the last bus leaves — this is usually before 3.30pm.

Absences from school

If your child is absent from school please notify the school and provide a reason for the absence. The absence may be explained by way of a note or email to the school or a telephone call on the day of the absence.

All absences must be explained within seven school days of the absence. If this does not happen the absence will then be recorded as unjustified.

The explanation must be from the parent or carer and include the student’s full name, tutor group, the date/s of the absence and a specific reason for the absence. This is a legal requirement. If your child is absent on the day of an Assessment Task please phone the school.

In 2012 NSW Legislation Concerning Student Attendance in NSW was introduced. One point of the Legislation concerns holiday leave. It is important that any holiday leave is applied for in writing in advance. For leave of 10 days or more an Application for Extended Leave - Travel form must be completed (please see below). The Leave then has to be approved by the Principal and approval granted.

Once Leave is approved the Student Coordinator will inform the student’s teachers of the student’s impending absence. If an Assessment Task is due in this time, a letter directed to the Leader of Pedagogy for that subject needs to be given to them as soon as possible to allow time for either a rescheduling of the Task for the individual or an estimate to be given. An approximate schedule of Assessment Tasks is outlined in the Assessment Policy and Schedules booklet that is available under Publications of this website.