
The Careers Education Program aims to help students:

  1. Gain an awareness of their abilities, interests and values and the ways in which these are related to their career planning.
  2. Acquire a thorough knowledge of the world of work, training and further education.
  3. Prepare themselves to make career decisions based on self-knowledge and the range of options open to them.
  4. Equip themselves with the skills and knowledge necessary to implement their decisions.
  5. Connect and reconnect in life-long learning.

This is achieved through a combination of a fully integrated Careers Website, Work Experience Programs, Careers Lessons, Small group and individual interviews for all students, Focus days, Guest speakers, Mentoring programs and excursions.

St Paul’s Catholic College Careers Website

This is an important resource for all students who are considering their career pathways.

The careers website contains the following online resources that may be useful to students and parents:

HSC Support

A range of online resources is available to help students and parents understand the HSC and prepare for assessments and exams.

After Year 12

The following sites can help students to research careers that line up with their interests and abilities:

Future Study and Training Options

The following can help students make informed decisions about future study options:

Job Searching and Investigation

These websites list job vacancies, apprenticeships and traineeships